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EFT Mentoring West Sussex

EFT Mentoring West Sussex Group Sessions – Full Day (6 Hours)

eft mentoring group sessionsNo matter where you are in your EFT journey, from beginner to someone with years of experience, you’ll find something in these EFT mentoring group sessions that will benefit you.  We all need new ideas; as therapists we know, how easy it is to see what would benefit our clients, and we are also aware how it’s often impossible to see the wood for the trees in our own lives.

These EFT mentoring group sessions can also be used towards supervision requirements and are designed to help you to improve whatever you are doing in all of the areas and aspects of your work, helping you to become an even more successful therapist.   In the course of the meeting, we can look at client cases, personal and professional concerns, and most importantly, business and marketing ideas.  I got my most successful marketing tip from a fellow colleague, a tip that helped me to triple my income.  Why not take advantage of the accumulated wisdom of the group.

EFT Mentoring Group Sessions for Beginners

Completing the EFT training is the beginning of your journey and not the end. The best therapists are those who continually stretch their minds and add to their capabilities.   It is a bit like learning to drive, it normally takes months, if not years, of experience to become a good driver.  We grow in confidence, ability and skill as we practice and if we want to be successful we never stop learning.

The meetings are open to all EFT Practitioners, whether they are just getting started, or they have years of experience.  Mentoring Groups count towards CPD (Continuous Professional Development) or/and towards supervision and are approved by the EFTi

Date of the next meeting:

Date of workshop: To be arranged

Time:  10am to 5pm (one hour for lunch)

Your Investment: £95

Venue: 15 Oak Tree Lane, Woodgate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 3GU

Refreshments provided and please bring a packed lunch.


I also offer one-to-one mentoring or supervision sessions by phone or Skype.

Cost per hour:  £35

Tel: 01243 699646
Mob: 07747 865982


AAMET Accredited Master Trainer EFT
AAMET Advanced Practitioner