How Can You Stop Gambling Addiction?
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique is an energy therapy and has been proved highly effective when used to overcome addiction. Just think for a moment how the urge to gamble feels when it comes on strong. The urge to gamble, like all emotions, is an energy and unless it is interrupted or dissolved it will run rampant through the body demanding attention.
The energy of addiction is demanding to be responded to and anyone who is addicted feels as if the energy is too strong to resist. Fear of the addiction just makes the addiction stronger still until it feels as if you are totally consumed by an unstoppable and irresistible power. At this point or before, no matter how strong your resolve you succumb and then later regret your action.
Even though your addiction seems strong and in comparison you feel weak the reverse is actually true. You are the one with the power and the addictive behaviour is powerless. Therapy will help you to view the problem in a different way and to stand up and take charge.
You weren’t born a gambler, gambling is a learned behaviour and no matter how long you’ve been addicted you can overcome the problem. Nothing is set in stone, the mind is very powerful and with the right techniques and persistence it’s possible to leave the problem behind and walk into a future of freedom.
If you are truly ready to get free of your gambling addiction EFT can assist you. EFT works on the emotions and addiction is more emotional than physical.
EFT for Gambling Addiction:
When the emotional charge that is attached to the gambling habit is removed and replaced with a new feeling freedom happens. It’s the emotional tie that is causing the problem, remove it and you remove the problem.
Emotional Freedom Technique is:
- A surefire way of changing the emotional patterns that tie you to old and unhelpful behaviours
- A way of corrupting old programs and installing new and life enhancing behaviours
- A technique that can be learned and used by anyone to relieve symptoms in the moment as they arise
- A way to turn the mind in the direction you want to go instead of being dragged back into addictive behaviours all the time
- A highly effective method of change
EFT has taken the world by storm since it’s conception and more and more therapists are learning it and using it alongside their regular therapies with clients. It’s so easy and so effective that those who don’t know it or use it are behind the times.
Many of those who have benefited from EFT have gone on to learn the basics by attending a one day beginners workshop which gives all the grounding needed to use EFT effectively in 70% of cases on their own issues and those of family and friends. Complex issues are best dealt with while using professional help but headaches, fears, phobias, nerves, stress and many other things can be dealt with in the moment with a basic knowledge of EFT.
EFT can even be used on crying and sick babies and pets of all sizes. EFT is 100% safe to use; as safe as stroking a loved one’s head to make them feel better.
Emotional Freedom Technique is becoming more and more recognized. You may have seen it used on TV with great success by Paul McKenna. It is used in sports psychology and taught to top sportsmen who use it to relieve stress and boost sports performance.
EFT can also be used to:
- EFT Helps With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- EFT for Nail Biting
- EFT for Asthma
- Eliminate Sports Anxiety
- Eliminate Exam Nerves
- Fear of Public Speaking
- Ease Fibromyalgia Pain
- EFT for Insomnia
- Overcome Needle Phobia with EFT
- Relieve Stress and Anxiety
- EFT for Anger Management
- Increase Self-Esteem
- EFT for Panic Attacks
- EFT for Pain Relief
- Increase Confidence
- Remove Blocks to Success
- EFT to Pass Your Driving Test
- EFT for Gambling Addiction
- EFT for Drug Addiction
Whatever the problem is Emotional Freedom Technique can alleviate the symptoms quickly and easily. You can be relieved of negative that only serve to perpetuate the problem.
Unlike hypnosis EFT is highly effective by phone and EFT therapists work over the phone helping people all over the world. Find out more about Telephone Therapy Sessions

For one to one sessions of EFT click here |
Why not learn EFT and use it on family friends and self. To check out the next workshops see below.
Level 1 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course. |
Level 2 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training….A two day therapist’s training course, which aims to take the student to a level of competency required to work with clients. This training is principally for people who would like to use EFT to work with other people. The pre-requisites for attending is a Level 1 certificate. |
Level 3 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course. |
Emotional Freedom Technique Mentoring/Supervision Workshop…..Workshops designed to help practitioners to develop more confidence in the art of delivery of EFT. There will be time to discuss difficult cases, to work on your own issues and those of others in the group. You’ll have a chance to ask and answer questions, try out new techniques and receive feedback. |
EFT Monthly Practice Group – First Monday of the Month In LittlehamptonThe EFT practice group meets in Littlehampton on the first Monday of every month. Meeting with like-minded people once a month gives an enormous boost and can help people to overcome blocks and problems. EFT is an amazing healing tool. |
Check out the world summit EFT Video on YouTube |
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Hi Christine, sorry for slow reply but not been very well and it`s been manic at work. just a quick thank you for the scripts. Didn`t get much joy to start with but then watch a vid on youtube and they talk about focusing on the feeling. I found it had to bring the full intense feeling to my head. so i put myself it the lions dens as it were and when the full feeling / urge came i did the set up and one round and rejuiced the feeling / urge from a 10 to a 3!!! which i could handle. thanks so much for giving me back my life. I know theres a long road ahead but i feel i have some control now.
all the very best xxxxxxx